
Placeholder Caret Animation

Placeholdem is a JavaScript plugin that animates placeholder carets on inputs and textareas. The placeholder value will incrementally delete on focus, and restore on blur.

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Get It

placeholdem.min.js GitHub Repository

Use It

<!-- add placeholder to input or textarea --/>
<input name="fieldname" placeholder="Placeholder Value" />
// run Placeholdem on all elements with placeholders
Placeholdem( document.querySelectorAll( '[placeholder]' ) );

2016-11-04 Update

Project Status: Inactive - The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.

This project is no longer being developed or maintained. The effect this plugin gives is visually appealing, but it's a bad practice in terms of usability and accessibility. On top of that, manipulating the values of different HTML5 input types directly has a lot of issues (text, email, number, search, etc.). I suggest using an alternative styling for labels and placeholders, such as Floating Labels.